лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл SHAREWARE DISKS OF INTEREST TO AUTHORS AND DISK VENDORS WHICH CAN BE ORDERED FROM SMS лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл Certain files and disks are interesting extensions to the $HAREWARE MARKETING $YSTEM or provide valuable reference, programming or marketing tools for shareware authors and vendors. An order form appears at the end of this article. You do NOT have to be a subscriber or registrant to SMS to order these disks - anyone may order these packages. The popular SMS archives disk collected from previous SMS editions is disk number 202 and is listed below, for example. If you have a shareware program which is of interest SPECIFICALLY to programmers or disk vendors, you are encouraged to submit it for possible inclusion in this section. As with all shareware, an honest registration fee should be submitted if you intend to use a package beyond a brief evaluation period. $1.99 per program item plus 29 cents shipping/handling per program item. Shipped on 360K, 5.25 inch disks. Also available on 720K, 3.5 inch format disks ($2.99/item.) Some disks may contain several parts or items packed onto one disk. Note number of parts or items when ordering. лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл SHAREWARE DISK CATALOG FOLLOWS - ORDER FORM AT END OF LISTING NEWER PRODUCTS AT TOP OF LISTING лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOP A fantastic system which allows anyone to design or "author" a complete presentation on disk for tutorials, books, graphics, training, advertising, animation and more. Look at these features: graphics generation, text management and viewing, sound effects, music and animation. Main program has 10 scalable fonts, PCX file support, melody composition, build option, 16 and 256 color palette, zoom, undo, grid design, coordinate display, on-line help, mouse and arrow key support, 12 fill patterns, printer support, spraypaint, pixel editing, ASCII import, timing functions and more. Incredible programming achievement from Jeff Napier. Catalog #: SMS-284 1-Part(s) SHAREWARE AUTHOR'S TOOLKIT A COMPLETE management system for shareware authors (also of interest to vendors.) Manage and track prospects, disk vendors, registered customers, products, sales leads, expenses. Quickly generate target mailings of postcards, labels, letters or disks to customers, prospects, vendors and others. 24 different reports can be generated to track esoteric things like geographic distribution of registrations, customer lists, vendors in good (or bad) standing, income over time, balance sheet, tickler file and more. Customize reports further if you need. Enter customer registrations and print invoices. Import and export data in formats like dbase, delimited and SDF formats. Handles data for the popular SMS package from Jim Hood. Create and print postcards using bold, italic and underline fonts, Printer drivers for over 430 printers including inkjet and laser. Limited only by available hard drive space. Catalog #: SMS-283 2-Part(s) THE SHAREWARE BOOK Absolutely essential reading for ALL shareware authors. Useful for disk vendors too! Tips, tools and techniques for successful shareware marketing and development. Includes market research, publicity, getting paid, distribution, resources, product protection, registration encouragement, trademarks, copyrights, licensing, channel management, business issues, support, taxes, manuals, packaging, shipping, international trade. By Robert Schenot who is frequently heard on Compuserve and Genie and is an avid shareware author and researcher. No-nonsense information. The perfect book on a disk for ALL authors. Catalog #: SMS-282 1-Part(s) SHAREWARE INSTALLATION SYSTEM Gives shareware programmers the ultimate SMALL SIZE, LOW COST PROFESSIONAL installation system for shareware distribution disks. Using a copyrighted machine code algorithm, the package appends your custom installation commands to a TINY highly configurable machine code COM file program with which your end users interface. Having a RICH programming language of over 20 custom commands (including variables), the system ensures ULTIMATE flexibility, TOTAL password protection from end user tampering and high speed MACHINE CODE BULLET PROOF INSTALLATIONS for your users. Installation screens are every bit as professional and smooth as commercial installation products of similar type but have a MUCH SMALLER COM FILE than similar packages! Commands are available to fully control screen color, cursor position, displayed information, get yes/no responses, get a line of input such as a target path, get destination drive, change drives, change directories, and MUCH more, including execution of ANY external program such as self extracting files, or an un-compression systems to extract files, etc. This tiny program is a fully functional programming system! Your users will enjoy tight, fast installations with minimum muss and fuss. Catalog #: SMS-281 1-Part(s) DISK MAILER A low budget system for economy minded shareware authors: use two ordinary pieces of paper and your printer to produce a disk mailing envelope, enclosure, feedback form and description sheet! Fold and tape the resulting sheets around your disk and you have a LOW BUDGET disk mailing system which is organized and clever in its economical use of simple materials. Catalog #: SMS-280 1-Part(s) TIMETRAC Doing consulting or computer programming for clients and need to track time spent on a project? Use this package with a laptop or desktop machine to produce time and expense sheets for project tracking and billing. Useful for workgroups as well as individuals. Track time spent on customer support. Features multiple text lines per item, multiple expense codes, "no time" items, optional billing rates, additional command line options, string search through an on-line manual, international currency/date/time options. Computer programmers and consultants should find this very handy. Catalog #: SMS-279 1-Part(s) FOCUS ON SALES A sample issue of a "magazine on disk" which provides tips about marketing and selling, managing direct mail marketing efforts, effective telephone skills, database marketing, prospecting for new customers, overcoming technical objections from customers, preparing presentations, increasing business through unusual methods, new ideas in marketing and selling. Requires EGA or VGA. Catalog #: SMS-278 2-Part(s) SMS ASCII EXTRACTOR UTILITY A tiny utility with only one purpose: quickly convert the SMS mailing list (normally supplied in dBase format) to straight ascii, line delimited. Simple, fast, tight machine code from Paul Scanlon. Catalog #: SMS-277 1-Part(s) FILE EXPRESS DATABASE Need a SOLID database product to work with dBase III files like the SMS mailing list? This is an easy to use product! Mailing list and report generator are included as well as comprehensive manual on disk. Includes duplicate record checking - essential if you work with mailing lists. You can manage inventories, mailing lists, club membership rosters, service records, any large volume of data! highly recommended. Imports/exports data in most standard formats such as dBase, ASCII, Lotus and other formats. Beautiful menus and lots of help screens to get you going. print labels, reports, use calculated formulas and more. probably one of the most balanced and well designed shareware database systems. Catalog #: SMS-276 3-Part(s) VERSADEX Slick system! A high speed TSR popup database for keeping track of your clients, contacts, vendors. Pops up in an instant over ANY program you are running. Uses only 5K of memory. Could be used to track registered users or vendor telephone numbers you need to get in a hurry if the phone rings while you are working on another program. Contains fields for free form notes, addresses, etc. Plus mini-mailing list for printing index cards, labels or form letters. Autodialer will call client or vendor if you have a modem. Quick and easy. Swaps out to memory or disk. Print all or selected records. Includes ultra high speed "warp search" feature. Catalog #: SMS-275 1-Part(s) PD CONNECTION DISK CATALOG One of the largest and most fully automated shareware catalogs on disk. Unusually fast search features and tight product descriptions. Easy interface is worth studying closely by both authors and vendors alike. PD Connection has been in the business longer than most shareware disk vendors and their catalog on disk shows it. Catalog #: SMS-274 1-Part(s) QBASE Construct elaborate quiz/testing systems of any size. Very simple and clean to set up. Could be the basis of some unusual new shareware tutorial systems, testing programs or educational packages. Easy setup for fast results. Design a tutorial/quiz to accompany your main shareware package. Catalog #: SMS-273 1-Part(s) SPORT Provides "wide area information transfer and remote resource management." In plain English this shareware package is a communication program like nothing you have ever seen. It is designed to facilitate email and information exchange in a business or group setting (hint: a group of programmers working collectively on a software project, a team of marketing and direct mail folks working with a disk vendor or group of shareware authors scattered all over the country) Loaded with features. Much more than a simple BBS system. In UNATTENDED mode you can exchange email, attach files to email, use keywords within messages to retrieve files, route incoming messages to OTHER SYSTEMS, compress and decompress files automatically prior to sending, present daily news summaries related to the workgroup project for all team members, schedule events, design conferences so that messages are circulated on a planned route, write advanced scripts, password protect all or any levels. And that is just part of it. Not exactly a BBS - it is a workgroup software package that runs like a BBS but with more specific features. Very clean. Catalog #: SMS-272 3-Part(s) SOUTHERN ENTERPRISES CATALOG & DEMO We see a lot of shareware catalogs on disk. Southern Enterprises catalog is more than excellent and is accompanied by a demo disk of shareware (completely menu selected). Really shows how shareware can be marketed to new and existing customers using a clever demo disk. Most vendors and authors would do well to study the excellent job Southern has done in preparing this set. Catalog #: SMS-271 2-Part(s) DETERMINE NET WORTH If your business grows (or declines) you may need a bank loan in a hurry. Use this program to input the value of your business, home, cash flow, receivables, stocks, real estate holdings, rental properties, vehicles, outstanding notes. Output report is a detailed in-depth financial statement which most bank loan officers will need. Even if you may not need a bank loan, you should check your net worth from time to time. You don't have to be rich to need this program - knowing your net worth can be very valuable in business negotiations. Catalog #: SMS-270 2-Part(s) REAP/RANGE ESTIMATING for software consulting and programming, construction estimating, department budgets, material quotes or determining task duration. all these "guesses" will benefit from the acknowledgement that risk does exist. reap or range estimating analysis program allows you to consider risk in any cost estimate by allowing you to assign 3 values to each item. a most likely cost or quantity, a low value and a high (or never to exceed value.) reap derives a beta probability distribution from your 3 point estimate for each item and performs its analysis. great for bidding and estimating costs on consulting projects. Catalog #: SMS-269 1-Part(s) LOOKING FOR WORK intended audience is professional and managerial personnel who are seeking to change jobs or who have been laid-off/fired. this is an interactive guide for those seeking to change or find employment. step-by-step aid in planning and mounting an effective marketing campaign. it contains six units and almost two dozen worksheets, checklists and models to structure and guide job searches. worksheets, checklists and exercises, a detailed work history, a systematic listing (using sic codes) of related industries and firms, and finally to step-by-step instructions on the preparation of the resume and cover letters. Catalog #: SMS-268 1-Part(s) NETWORKER JOB SEARCH SYSTEM clever job finding/search system for unemployed. allows you to group individuals by visual tree diagram of relationships (chain of introduction or who knows who), by company, by industry or by any of three key word fields to be assigned at your discrection. detailed database listings can also be constructed. the most unique feature of the networker is a visual presentation of the relationships of individuals you know and meet. find a job by who you know and display your chain of personal introductions and job search contacts in a visual, interactive way. get this program! Catalog #: SMS-267 1-Part(s) MONEY five ways to make money at home. anyone can do it. simple, practical ideas for home based businesses. good practical ideas. Catalog #: SMS-266 1-Part(s) WRITER'S DREAM Want to design a book, catalog, training course, tutorial system or magazine on a computer disk? This is a FAST AND SIMPLE "authoring system." You write the articles or tutorials on your word processor and this package adds the popup menus and help screens to make it work as a little "book" on disk! Slick system. Write a shareware package on a disk and make money as an electronic author! Or just use at work for employees, church group or whatever. Books on disk are also fast and cheap to duplicate - skip the need for a paper publisher and printer! all you need is a word processor to write the text articles. Catalog #: SMS-265 2-Part(s) 800 TOLL FREE NUMBERS over 10,000 tollfree telephone numbers for suppliers, manufacturers, vendors, and many more. includes high speed search and locate menu system. easy and very fast. 6 disks! Catalog #: SMS-264 10-Part(s) PASCAL MAGIC For turbo pascal programmers: produce pop-up windows, dialog boxes, light bar menus, incorporate *.bgi and *.chr files into your exe's. includes tutorial. many features. muscle for pascal programmers. A very nice package with loads of ideas and code you can use! Catalog #: SMS-263 1-Part(s) ULTIMATE LABEL MANAGER up to 5 lines of text per label. enter a 'secret' note for each label track customers' account status, inventory levels, names of clients' family members, list of recent meetings, or research notes. you can enter label and note information directly from the keyboard or use the included program called import to bring in information from an ascii file. keep multiple files of labels and search any one for any information. complete label files, or files containing matches to a search request can be exported to ascii file for use with a word processor or other programs. print one copy or as many copies (up to 60,000 copies) of each label that matches your search. print the 'secret' notes. no limit to the number of labels! Catalog #: SMS-262 1-Part(s) MOM AND POP'S SHAREWARE CATALOG nicest disk vendor catalogs around. great descriptions and program listings all on a single disk. Catalog #: SMS-261 1-Part(s) INTERRUPT LIST one of the largest technical lists of interrupts and calls for the pc. programmers delight! can search and sort this reference file system for a variety of documented and undocumented interrupts. Catalog #: SMS-260 3-Part(s) CDROM PROFIT CENTER CATALOG from advantage plus distributors. massive indexed catalog of shareware regarding their cd rom merchant program. lots of shareware listings and descriptions in one massive catalog. Catalog #: SMS-259 2-Part(s) CONTACT PLUS an award winning program! track and manage client and personal contacts. great for professionals such as self-employed, salesmen, attorneys, engineering, consultants. rolodex, appointment calendar, auto-dialer, form letter generator, phone call and correspendence history for clients, tickler dates. automatic wordperfect, wordstar or microsoft word interface. 24 user defined categories, mailing labels, unlimited number of contacts and notes/reminders. mouse support if mouse used. the ultimate client and contact tracking and management system! Catalog #: SMS-258 1-Part(s) CONTACT PLUS TUTORIAL fully illustrated tutorial on using contact plus Catalog #: SMS-257 1-Part(s) VIRUS SUMMARY probably the largest and most detailed virus index and reference in existence. history, known origins, methods of disinfection, names, dates, variants. if you want to learn about viruses this is it. includes fine quality menu driven search system. top notch. Catalog #: SMS-256 2-Part(s) FILE BROWSERS: FREEWARE AND PUBLIC DOMAIN sometimes a shareware author or vendor needs a simple file browser/viewer which is public domain or freeware and can be included on a disk without licensing fees. these three file browsers can display ascii files and have varying features (even search and find!) which can be used without licensing payments. Catalog #: SMS-255 3-Part(s) SOVIET BBS soviet bbs list represents a unique marketing distribution list for russian shareware or shareware you wish to distribute to the russian market. Catalog #: SMS-254 1-Part(s) BIBLESOFT SHAREWARE CATALOG shareware catalog from biblesoft, one of the largest shareware disk vendors of religious oriented shareware. lots of ideas for programs which are unique to the christian community. Catalog #: SMS-253 1-Part(s) TAXTIPS if you are in business you need to browse through this tutorial on clever, legal ways to save money at tax time. many ways you never dreamed existed! Catalog #: SMS-252 1-Part(s) MODEM TUTORIAL a comprehensive tutorial on high speed data and modem communications including glossary of terms and explanation of how modems and telecommunications works. very detailed resource. Catalog #: SMS-251 1-Part(s) BEST BBS SYSTEMS! a detailed listing of the top 100 bbs systems as well as a selective list of the "nifty fifty" hot boards. no addresses, only phone numbers. concise picks represent the cream of the crop! Catalog #: SMS-250 1-Part(s) BUSINESS LIBRARIAN the chances are that you work with many documents. some key internally generated technical reports may be filed in the engineering department, market research dept or sales & marketing department. some of the important reference books may be scattered about in various offices. the business librarian keeps track of all documentation. print reports sorted by location, type, group, author, title or subject. you can locate specific items by searching for specific subjects, etc., or for articles linked to specific key words. Catalog #: SMS-249 1-Part(s) DATAPRO Take this data processing course (over 20 files,) written for a computer training school. gain skills. apply for and get a good job. has warm-up on-screen numeric keypad for learning number input, six data-input programs (invoices, mail order records, voting records, addresses, sales commission and payroll.) two job tests which companies use to find qualified people. plus an action number game in which you type numbers before they fall like missles and destroy your city buildings. great program for use by teachers of data processing! keystrokes per hour (plus % correct keystrokes) for each program can be printed for grading purposes. datapro used by a major u.s. temporary placement firm to test data input skills of job applicants. Catalog #: SMS-248 1-Part(s) SUPERPHONE instant telephone information - more than 300 area and country codes, with time zones -- more than 13000 towns and cities -- zip and postal code information -- "the five-minute database" - pop-up (tsr) operation -- complete area code information for north america and the caribbean - every country code in the world - town and city listings - world-wide time-zone information - projected new area codes - "sounds like" searches - quick reference database - area and zip codes - cities, populations, languages - design your own pop-up databases - most people can set up their first database in only 5 minutes - area code search has exclusive multi-tasking hunt 'n' browse feature - editor allows you to add your own comments to each area code - can be run stand-alone or as a tsr (pop-up) - pop-up without leaving your application program - resident portion takes only 7k - ram disk support for lightning-quick response. Catalog #: SMS-247 1-Part(s) HANDY LITTLE REFERENCE BOOKLETS this program prints a variety of small, wallet sized reference booklets on any topic or material you wish. more well thought out and indexed than simple "print four pages per sheet document compressor printer programs. interacting with a little reference booklet is different than interacting with a computer. you can "scan" a book a lot faster than you can scan a computer document. you can use the samples provided, or create your own, using a text editor. here are some useful applications: personal phone book -- personal address book -- command summaries for your favorite programs, lists of projects, source code, interrupt lists and more. many features and printer controls make this a handy little program Catalog #: SMS-246 1-Part(s) PC BOARD TUTORIAL if you use community bbs systems you will frequently access the pc-board system popularized by many sysops. this slick tutorial includes many powerful tips, tricks and command shortcuts for accessing pc-boards. hypertext links and a smooth menu system make this a tutorial/reference you will refer to frequently. Catalog #: SMS-245 1-Part(s) PRESORT MAILING UTIL. & ENVELOPE PRINTER presort utility provides: data analysis, reports on five-digit, three-digit, state, mixed-states order for presorted mail rates (i.e., first class presort, third and fourth class presort and zip + 4 all classes). write records back to the disk in presort order. define nine different file classes such as dif, dbase, ascii, etc. specify line printer or spool file for sort reports. display the sorted records as written. change postal bundle limit. change postal sack limit. envelope printer utility provides: single envelope printing: return address (6 lines, 78 characters per line) and addressee (6 lines, 78 characters per line). prints envelopes in perpendicular (end feed) position on dot matrix printer with bit image print mode. in normal position, printer codes available (e.g., bold face, underscore, etc.) reads addresses from data files (e.g., mailmerge) for bulk mailings. prints in portrait or landscape mode on hp laserjets (see pc magazine, v. 7, no. 21, p. 206). Catalog #: SMS-244 1-Part(s) MASS APPEAL MAILING LIST MANAGER for large mailing list management including mailing labels, reports, address envelopes, rotary cards, mail merge files and more. a classic package with mature, robust features. Catalog #: SMS-243 1-Part(s) WAGNER TALKING SHAREWARE CATALOG a few shareware vendors have unusual catalogs - wagner's is indeed different! along with a clean menu system and great sample programs on disk is a voice/speech system which guides you through the catalog and is used to good marketing advantage. Catalog #: SMS-242 1-Part(s) COURSEMASTER coursemaster is a powerful development tool for creating computer-based training, simulations, prototypes and interactive video programs. it is neither a menu-driven system nor a programming language, but a system of pre-programmed templates and utilities that enable a designer or author to create sophisticated interactive training courses and simulations. an author writes each screen in the lesson using any word processor capable of creating an ascii file. the program is then compiled. pcx graphics can be displayed and external calls enable the trainee to run another program from within the lesson. sophisticated contingency branching, answer-judging, multiple paths, scoring, network support and extensive documentation provide a feature-rich system! Catalog #: SMS-241 1-Part(s) ICOM the astute shareware author will find intellicom unique as a marketing tool. if you use bbs systems this communications package will allow unattended sessions on most major boards! let your pc and modem automatically upload your shareware to dozens of boards unattended. intellicomm combines the best features of robocom, telix and liberator in one package written in tight c. while you are away, your computer logs onto a list of bbs systems and uploads your shareware package, collects messages, downloads new files and other routine tasks. compatible with pc board, wildcat, rbbs, qbbs and others. includes x/y/zmodem, editor, script language, scrollback and keyboard buffers, mouse support, ega/vga, 3 way file sorts, autotagging, and more. Catalog #: SMS-240 2-Part(s) LOOKBOOK a superb electronic publishing system for preparing sophisticated professional quality popdown menu driven disk based documents such as newsletters, program manuals, catalogs, tutorials. works with ascii files. documents can be standalone or tsr utilities. unique page location map with "hypertext" links, table of contents and "back of the book" index list. effective floppy disk use: document compression to 60% of original size - 150 pages for each 360k of disk space. includes editor for page linked notes and for editing bookmarks. point and shoot document selection with automatic detection of file type. public brand software awarded this product a trophy award and uses it for their own disk based catalog! Catalog #: SMS-239 1-Part(s) LOOKBOOK PBS CATALOG DEMO the complete public brand software catalog using the excellent lookbook interface. great system to give you a feel for using electronic diskette-based books with an exceptional interface. much better than older clunky hypertext systems. Catalog #: SMS-238 2-Part(s) DB-DUPE db-dupe is an exceptional duplicate record deleter/dupe checker for anyone maintaining mailing lists or customer lists. for dbase iii/iv, foxbase +, foxpro compatible. supports 25, 43, and 50-line video. network compatible. support for format files, memo files, and various index formats, interactive and automatic searches, and soundex comparisons. fast, flexible, and easy to use. Catalog #: SMS-237 1-Part(s) BUSINESS FINANCIAL PLANNER this lotus template provides detailed worksheet for budgeting and five-year financial projections for start-up companies. useful for business plans, bank loan applications, tracking new business startups, etc. includes the following schedules: pro forma balance sheets, statements of income, cash flow analysis, product sales and cost analysis, expense analysis. accounts receivable, inventories, depreciation and amortization, accounts payable, income taxes, depreciation and amortization, investment income, sales proceeds, cost of sales accounts, bad debt provisions, incentive commissions, advertising and promotion Catalog #: SMS-236 1-Part(s) LHA ARCHIVER/UNARCHIVER file compression and uncompression utility with many advantages. no cost licensing, ultra small self extracting archives, tighter compression than pkzip, unique telop headers which can put messages on self extracting archives, autolharc feature lets archive run automatic batch file of your choice upon unpacking. many unique features. beats pkzip in many ways and was pc magazine editors choice. Catalog #: SMS-235 1-Part(s) SHARESPELL stanalone spelling checker with massive word list, ability to add your own words. can check free standing documentation and text files for accuracy, fast, flexible and highly accurate. Catalog #: SMS-232 1-Part(s) SIF VERIFIER accepts a standardized shareware "readme" file prepared in ascii text, called a readme.sif, and certifies the file for compliance with industry standard sif information content. a sif file leads to the possibility of rapid, highly automated extraction of information from large quantities of shareware disks and may become a standard for submission of any shareware package to a vendor or bbs since all shareware authors will use exactly the same information fields and format for their primary "readme" file. sifver is designed to create a unique 8 digit verification number, embedding this number into a readme.sif file and indicates absolute compliance to sif standards. Catalog #: SMS-231 1-Part(s) EASY INSTALL provides a one stop install routine for all of your shareware disks and offers a totally professional installation interface for your end users! prepare a simple configuration file with notes about the default drives, disk memory requirements, and installation instructions. easyinstall appends your specific commands to its installation program! no more corny install.bat or clunky installation routines! works for those using unarcing, unzipping, self extracting or lha compressed files as well. Catalog #: SMS-230 1-Part(s) FREEBIES INFOLIST address list detailing where you can obtain free videos, diskettes, program samples, office materials and booklets! updated frequently, this list of "freebies" will stuff your mailbox with diskettes and other goodies. whether you erase and recycle the diskettes and videotapes is up to you, but this is a good way to see what other manufacturers are doing and obtain sample products and software at no charge. Catalog #: SMS-225 1-Part(s) RO SHAREWARE UTILS ansi.exe -- displays ansi files at selected baud rate/continuous. calc.exe tsr, dec/bin/oct/hex base conversion calculator. chngmenu.exe -- users formatted shell menu editor. clk1.exe -- tsr, compact clock with optional location. colrtext.exe -- display color text files at selected rate/continuous. ddir.exe -- color double dir list/print/all dirs. defrag.exe -- de-fragment disk files. diskscan.exe -- scan all disk sectors for read errors. doscomm.exe -- tsr, assign dos function key commands/command edit. doshelp.exe -- tsr, pop-up to display/create .hlp/.clp files. doshelpm.exe -- tsr, pop-up help for mono system. edit.exe -- programmers editor with many special features. equip.exe -- list your systems installed equipment. fm.exe -- file management system with mouse menu. memmap.exe -- list your systems memory allocation. palette.exe -- tsr, change color systems color palettes. popcal.exe -- tsr, moveable pop-up calendar with clock & alarm. popdir.exe -- dual mode directory window, list/execute files. reptcomm.exe -- repeat a dos command in all directories. scrnclk.exe -- tsr, movable clock display with alarm and message. shell.exe -- main dos shell routine, loaded by shellc.exe. shellc.exe -- compact memory resident portion of dos shell system. sortdir.exe -- permanent sort & compacting of disk directories. tree.exe -- list/print directory tree with file totals. undelete.exe -- recover deleted files. where.exe -- locate files using wild card filespec. Catalog #: SMS-223 1-Part(s) PC-WRITE STANDARD LEVEL the classic pc write word processor/editor is now updated with popdown menus and a unique customization feature that allows you to rapidly configure program features as you need them: beginning, intermediate or advanced. see and use only the editor features you need. many improvements bring pc write into the next decade and give wordperfect and microsoft word a good run for the money Catalog #: SMS-222 4-Part(s) BACK AND FORTH the ultimate swiss army knife of utilities! load up to 20 software programs at once and switch rapidly between each of them without delay. this is called task switching. other features include: screen blanker that displays any pcx graphics file, keyboard accelerator, comptabile with 4dos, calculator, editor, complete rolodex system for addresses and telephones, screen grabber, scheduling, to do list manager and calander with graphing of appointments and committments. Catalog #: SMS-220 2-Part(s) PC PRODUCTS DATABASE DEMO this pc products database demo lists 4427 pc publications (magazines, books, newsletters, videos, and training materials) and the 432 firms that produce them, extracted from 11,317 pc industry companies and 27,207 software, hardware, and publication products. the database is in standard dbase iii+ file format for easy use in other applications, but a simple search and display program is provided which allows searches by company name, product name, or by free text search, and which displays scrolling lists of product names, product classifications, producer names, addresses, and contact telephone, fax, and toll-free numbers. Catalog #: SMS-216 2-Part(s) SHOW TALK great for shareware disk vendors and authorswho go to computer shows and flea markets. allows your pc speaker to utter catch phrases to lure customers to play with your pc or touch the keyboard! shows designs, patterns, your program and more along with real human speech phrases that captivate show attendees and make them flock to your booth! Catalog #: SMS-215 1-Part(s) JBT UTILITIES includes ezdos shell for file mgmt with tagging and zip file mgmt.u ezedit text editor with copy, paste, popup calculator, ascii chart, multiple windows. ez view, an ascii file viewer, browser. ez locate file finder searches multiple drives and inside arcs/zips. find dupes scans multiple drives to find all file with duplicate file names including inside arcs and zips; found files can be taggged. cack off, searches multiple drives for all files having specific user defined file extensions which can be viewed or deleted. copy con, allows quick easy batch file creation. Catalog #: SMS-214 2-Part(s) FMG UTILS intended to attract people to your computer show booth or retail store. draws fancy collages and about every 30 seconds says phrases in human speech, to try and attract the person's attention. some of the phrases are: hello - is there anyone out there, hey you over there, come on over here, try pressing a key and many more. when the person presses a key, show talk will say a joke or sing a song or play name that tune. this is a great customer catcher for your next show. Catalog #: SMS-213 1-Part(s) CSVS TEST a large variety of "validation" testing routines to check out a clone for true compatability. aids in troubleshooting and locating reasons for hardware and software problems on customer computers Catalog #: SMS-212 1-Part(s) BURN IN test all computer perpherials such as drives, monitor, ports, etc. useful when testing non-standard customer computers which do not properly run your software. can provide clues to help troubleshoot defective and non-standard hardware. Catalog #: SMS-211 1-Part(s) ARJ ARCHIVER/UNARCHIVER compression program with higher efficiency than pkzip and additional features such as full recursive sudirectory compression, ability to split archived programs and entire subdirectories of data accross several disks, store empty subdirectories within archives, create self-extracting archives which contain subdirectory support, security feature to lock archives to prevent modification, and other unique features for those dealing with shareware and software programs. Catalog #: SMS-210 1-Part(s) GENERATIONS track versions and expanded names of files on disk by consulting master index with filename versions and complete description of each file! no more short undecipherable dos file names. very automated and useful. Catalog #: SMS-209 1-Part(s) PC-TALK pc-talk voice library consists of over 100 spoken words that can be used with software applications. works thru the pc speaker. voice commands can be put in any batch file and added to your programs/menus. type pc-talk followed by the words you would like to say. includes a pcx display program. this will give you a talking slide show. Catalog #: SMS-208 1-Part(s) AUTOMATE do things with your computer. examples: burglar alarm security systems 1. control lights in responds to motion 2. control surveillance video systems 3. calls if fire/break in 4. extra smart garage door control 5. door entry control 6. night light control 7. fire alarms 8. outside parameter monitor 9. counting events, people passing, etc. 10. smart doorbell(s) (rings where you are) 11. basement/cellar flooding monitor 12. crib/area/room monitor 13. oil tank level low monitor 14. pool area monitor. much more! Catalog #: SMS-206 1-Part(s) RSE UTILS utility toolkit consisting of the following: playback - unusual macro generator which records keystrokes (including keystroke pauses) and plays them back via compiled com files, batch file or menu called selections. trash-it - protect against deleting important files by moving each "deleted" file to a unique `trash' subdirectory where it can be recovered. hide-it - security tool, not a data encryptor but a data "hider". fail the password and data is invisible/unlocatable. pc-images - capture images from screen and/or build tsr or standalone "slide shows". pc-directory - append 160-character pop-up notes to file names, also view files, rename, copy, delete, and move files via one touch tagging operation, search for file, search for text, search for filenote, change attributes, print files, catalog floppies. both tsr (33k) and non-tsr options. nabbit - "nabs" screen data for sending to printer for, labels, envelopes and other chores, or place data in memory buffer and send to keyboard as a macro. remind me! - simple calander reminder program for important events. briteline - laptop cursor is highlighted, 1k tsr. conjecture - similar to popular tv quiz game. Catalog #: SMS-205 1-Part(s) STATMASTER DEMOGRAPHIC AND MARKETING DATA the cybersoft demographic data disk contains sample u.s. census population data for cities and communities for topics such as age, earnings, education, health, population, taxes and vital statistics. using this data for a sample state (washington state for this diskette) you can quickly determine cities and communities which might be the focus of a direct marketing or direct mail effort for your product. a superb marketing research tool. cybersoft maintains diskettes for all 50 states and can supply the full set for comprehensive marketing research analysis. Catalog #: SMS-203 1-Part(s) ARCHIVES FROM SMS previous editions of the $hareware marketing $ystem contain highly valuable shareware marketing tips, addresses, vendor information, letters to the editor and other one-of-a-kind articles about the shareware scene. this disk contains all material extracted from previous editions in easy to read ascii files. current space restrictions within sms do not allow these older highly valuable articles. archive continues to grow as older material from sms is "swept" into this disk. Catalog #: SMS-202 1-Part(s) SW-TALK for shareware authors wishing to increase registrations! your end users start your program and a voice "beg message" comes out their speaker telling them "please be sure to register this shareware package" or up to 100 other phrases! can also add a "voice beg message" at end of program as user returns to dos. over 100 words that can be used to increase registrations. works thru the pc speaker. voice commands can be put in any batch file plus utility program that can be used to display pcx pictures for a talking slide show! over 100 word/phrases. Catalog #: SMS-201 1-Part(s) FASTGRAPH/LIGHT fastgraph/light is a library of more than 100 highly-optimized routines that are callable from high-level and assembly language programs running under the ms-dos or pc-dos operating systems. this collection of routines provides a programmer with proven, powerful tools to take command of the pc and ps/2 text and graphics video environment. fastgraph/light's major functional areas include: * video mode detection and initialization * colors, virtual colors, and palettes * graphics fundamentals, including points, solid and dashed lines, polygons, circles, ellipses, solid and dithered rectangles, region fill, and clipping * character display * image display facilities, including mode-specific and mode-independent images, clipped and reversed images, image retrieval, pixel run maps, and image transfer * physical and virtual video page management * animation * special effects * keyboard, mouse, and joystick control * sound effects and music, both synchronous and asynchronous. as its name implies, the most notable feature of fastgraph/light is its speed. fastgraph/light is written in 8086 assembly language, and each routine has been optimized by hand to provide maximum performance. Catalog #: SMS-200 3-Part(s) MONEY MAKER how to make money with your pc. moneymaker helps you evaluate over 10 real pc business possibilities. detailed info on small business you can run from home such as accounting, writing, home shareware business, custom programming, consultant, bbs, home advertising agency, research service, and more. even includes tips on ohter kinds of businesses, evaluations of type of computer equipment you should buy for a home business and many more valuable tips for those working at home or starting a small business. even includes talking survey/test which asks you 21 multiple choice questions to help you decide or narrow down what kind of business is best for you! Catalog #: SMS-199 1-Part(s) DIRECTORY COMMANDER dcom is one of the most powerful dos utilities available today. some of these features are: 1. resizable print spooler uses expanded memory if available. baud rates as high as 38400. 2. programmable macro keys. with the macro keys you can build your own point-n-shoot commands. 3. a sophisticated menu system can be built that is mouse supported and provides such features as file select windows (also mouse supported) 4. screen saver, configurable from 1 to 59 minutes. 5. keyboard and video security. disable the keyboard/blank the screen with hot-key. reactivates only when the same hot-key is pressed again. 6. a powerful, full-featured, multi-window, multi-buffer text editor. editing space is only restricted by available ram. expanded memory support 7. configurable mouse support. button definitions/motion sensitivity are easily adjusted. 8. tsr programs loaded after dcom can be cleared! 9. search an entire drive for particular file(s). 10. fully configurable color. ega can be configured for 64 colors. files read from the current directory are displayed in three different colors, one for executables, one for sub-directories, and another for the rest!! 11. high performance video drivers which auto-sense/perform snow-elimination/multi-tasking aware (topview, desqview). 12. standard dos utility functions such as sorting directories/copying/more. copying checks for insufficient disk space before starting, span multiple disks, source file is totally read into memory before writing the destination file (if memory allows). 13. a complete alarm/event system. Catalog #: SMS-198 1-Part(s) PC HUNTER the best text and file search utility ever made! search for list by inputting either file name or a short phrase within the file. search accross multiple drives. ultra high speed. looking for a file and know a phrase or word within that file? pc-hunter easily outclasses any other text and file search utility for speed and convenience. Catalog #: SMS-197 1-Part(s) MICRO MOONLIGHTER NEWSLETTER resource publication for information entrepreneurs. start your own at-home entrerprise with your computer as the focus. contains complete issue of the newsletter on disk plus extensive catalog of resources and planning materials. very nice for the home based business. from the technical group of springfield, illinois. Catalog #: SMS-196 1-Part(s) INTERRUPT LIST detailed listing of interrupts and bios specific calls for the pc. lots of undocumented goodies as well as the traditional interrupts which assembly and c programmers should have at their fingertips. keep this on the shelf and make your coding faster and more compact by knowing the correct interrupt. Catalog #: SMS-195 1-Part(s) LEGAL GUIDE, CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS you should always consider having a stock of legal forms and sample contracts on hand for contract work, development and sales in the commercial sector as well as wills and other agreements. this resource has loads of well designed contracts and agreements which might give you good ideas for your own forms and agreements. for both home and office. one of the leading shareware legal guide packages! Catalog #: SMS-193 2-Part(s) LAMAURA DATA DICTIONARY a nice demo library of a sophisticated program which enhances your ability to design, maintain and document your dbase, fox, clipper and xbase aps. prototype table structures, relations and virtual fields before any coding begins! ensure normalization. reduce objectionable cyclic relations. ensure data and reference integrity. store picture clauses and default values. centralize docs. a robust demo of a significant software tool for database programmers. Catalog #: SMS-192 2-Part(s) BAR CODE SYSTEMS AND UTILITIES demo disk for developers and vendors considering working with bar codes to label, inventory and control merchandise. sample programs and technical materials pertinent to bar code systems. the authors also can supply info on low cost bar code wands and readers to hook to your pc, sell you source code for bar code work, prepare drivers for bar codes on laser printers, etc. an interesting demo disk in a specialized software field. freebooter shareware disk vendors of portland, oregon bardcodes each customer disk which aids inventory and sales tremendously! Catalog #: SMS-190 1-Part(s) DBASE IV TUTORIAL SYSTEM tutorial system on the dbase iv system. contains program source code and index files plus large text files for review. obviously the programs and source are for those having dbase but even without dbase you can use the text tutorials. robust training system without equal! Catalog #: SMS-189 1-Part(s) DB CLEAN DATABASE DUPLICATE RECORD TESTER a superb utility to check your dbase files and eliminate duplicate records! useful to anyone in mail order business seeking to eliminate duplicate records or prevent mailing to same customer at same or similar address. many options for automated or manual testing and cleaning. useful for any dbase file, not just mailing lists! Catalog #: SMS-188 1-Part(s) NB-DATA DENMARK SHAREWARE CATALOG superb danish shareware catalog with unusual interface and nice collection of american and foreign shareware. authors and vendors should take a look to see how foreign disk vendors operate. full color unique catalog! Catalog #: SMS-186 1-Part(s) BOXER TEXT EDITOR programmers full featured text editor. many options such as 43/50 line mode, ega, vga, mga, cga, user configurable, macros, online context sensitive help, search and replace globally or selectively or accross all files, reformat, pagination, headers, footers, cut, copy, paste, append, print, sort, detab, invert, total, average, upper/lower case operations, ascii pop up chart, find mating parenthetical characters, keystroke multiply, tabs, auto save, auto indent, visible white space mode, date time calanders and still more! Catalog #: SMS-185 1-Part(s) EMS SHAREWARE GAMES CATALOG unique shareware disk vendor catalog. uses a database interface to search for game titles by a variety of search criteria. once found, the catalog system instructs you to insert a library disk from the master library for unpacking the program you have chosen. unusual, well designed software system other disk vendors should examine for smooth, creative user interface. fun to use unlike other disk vendor catalogs. this is where shareware disk catalogs will be in the future! Catalog #: SMS-184 1-Part(s) SOFTWARE CHANGE CONTROL software change control. scc is a case tool designed to compare files and generate various log file reports which display differences as they evolve. facilitates coordination of software projects to detail code changes. useful for documenting, debugging, pre-release tracking, code walkthroughs, comparison of source code files or documentation files, verification of technical content, checking code inconsistencies, incorporation of late coding changes, discovery of unintentional errors. Catalog #: SMS-183 2-Part(s) UNZIP.EXE (PUBLIC DOMAIN) public domain unzipper which disk vendors and authors can include with their disks and thus avoid using or licensing code from pkware/pkzip. works reliably. small, fast and useful when you need to unzip an archived file but don't want to use or can't afford to license pkunzip and need a utility you can include on your disks sent out to customers who don't have pkunzip. Catalog #: SMS-182 1-Part(s) PROGRAMMERS PRODUCTIVITY PACK tools and utilities for programmers. programmers calculator, ascii and color attribute chart, bios scan codes, dbase inkey values, reference charts and programming aids. can run as tsr, swapped, background, multitasked. customize many ways. a superb reference and utility toolkit for programmers who want everything at their fingertips. Catalog #: SMS-181 2-Part(s) SHAREWARE SURVEY a detailed survey of shareware use, registration patterns, sources, types of users, much more. even contains statistical analysis. conducted via a large u.s. national bbs survey over many months. exceptional source of info for shareware vendors, authors, users who need a survey of marketing information collected straight from shareware users throughout the u.s. Catalog #: SMS-180 1-Part(s) SYSID DIAGNOSIS PROGRAM incredible! this utility is run on any pc system and within a few seconds provides over 16 screens of detailed technical reports on everything you would want to know about that particular pc: bios codes, interrupts, memory allocations, drive settings, video modes and addresses, boards installed, configuration settings, hex dumps, environment allocation settings, much more. detailed diagnosis tool for the pc user who needs to know everything about a pc within a few seconds. Catalog #: SMS-179 1-Part(s) DBASE TUTORIAL SYSTEM a nice tutorial on the dbase and dbxl database systems. learn about introductory and advanced concepts in programmable dbase type systems if you need a detailed tutorial or just a quick brush up. even includes reference card of dbase programming language commands and other goodies. Catalog #: SMS-177 1-Part(s) SHAREWARE USER'S TUTORIAL a detailed presentation on how to use and enjoy shareware! disk vendors and authors can include it with their disk shipments to help new users learn the tips and tricks to unpacking and using shareware. reduces support calls and requests from beginners. topics include: eight easy steps to using shareware fast, determining what is on a disk, how to run a program, how to unpack and unarchive, commonly asked questions, a short dos review course, shortcuts, using filenames and extensions, locating documentation on disk. even includes a short pop quiz to test your "shareware survival skills!" Catalog #: SMS-176 1-Part(s) CATALOG CONSTRUCTION KIT an interesting system which allows you to quickly construct a catalog on disk so you can sell shareware, doll collections, stamps, electronic parts or just about anything and want to construct an electronic catalog on disk to hand out to your customers. Catalog #: SMS-175 1-Part(s) SYS60A/STRG57/STRG61. high speed replacements for turbo pascal system unit which offer blistering speeds for operations such as string processing, coversions, classifications, parse, position, match ignore case and much more. versions for turbo 5.5 and 6.0. over 111 routines. written in machine code. will make your eyes blink and mouth water! Catalog #: SMS-174 1-Part(s) TXT2COM utility converts any ascii text file into a com file with onboard screen browser. convert your txt file to a com file which even has imbedded screen color control commands, browsing, print file or screen, show line number, etc. only $5.00 to license this tiny jewel for your shareware distribution disk. even has a tsr popup version. use to help end users root around in your documentation and keep outsiders from editing your text files since they are compiled. Catalog #: SMS-173 1-Part(s) FASTZIP MAIL is useful for authors and disk vendors who want to print special postal bar code and/or return address on mailers, postcards, envelopes. even has adustment for dot matrix printers for use with old ribbon to make sure that bar code is readible by post office machines. Catalog #: SMS-172 1-Part(s) SOFTSHOP DISK CATALOG MAKER allows you to design your own menu driven shareware vendor catalog (or any type of item) catalog on disk. nice! written with mail- order vendors of public domain and shareware software in mind, but still a great program for almost any type of merchandise or service! useful for software or hardware vendors, book sellers, club membership recruiters, donation seekers. softshop is able to self-define up to 9 horizontal menu options and up to 81 vertical menu options, defining the information box in the main menu to highlight your company name or company message, provide users choices of menu options with just an arrow or a number and the return keys, the ability to scroll through all files with the arrow, page up/dn and the home/end keys, and also being able to print any of the menu options. Catalog #: SMS-171 1-Part(s) HOME BUSINESSES a nice disk with tips and suggestions on home based businesses such as import-export, information services, motivation for a home based business and more. lots of little tips and suggestions, not just about shareware business focus, but other little businesses you can start at home. from james melton of texas. Catalog #: SMS-170 1-Part(s) QFILER the ultimate side by side two directories at once shell system. this is a high speed powers users tool which no other utilities even come close to. mouseable, color, many options for moving, copying, deleting and renaming files fast when you want to see two directories side by side. Catalog #: SMS-169 1-Part(s) IDC SHELL AND NARC useful point and shoot menu system which unzips and unarcs anything you throw at it. machine code fast. use pkzip when zipping. use narc when unzipping. try it once and you'll see why. not a shell which uses pkunzip, this has the code onboard! Catalog #: SMS-168 1-Part(s) DBF DOC allows dbase developers to maintain and organize file documentation libraries/files. real handy when working with dbase files. Catalog #: SMS-167 1-Part(s) PROFESSIONAL MASTERKEY UTILITIES like nortons utility toolkit, but better! unerase lost files, sector editor, move files, edit, zero out sectors, many little goodies for the software craftsman including a great unearase utility for lost files! Catalog #: SMS-166 1-Part(s) MSDOS REFERENCE a compilation of dozens of tech refs listing all kinds of programming goodies: scan codes, interrupts, history of dos, memory map, vectors, bios calls, goodies and more goodies. Catalog #: SMS-165 1-Part(s) PIE/PROGRAMMER'S INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENT provides a simple interface for most popular programming languages. pie allows the programmer to edit, compile, link, debug, and test programs from a simple menu. it will work with most popular programming languages including turbo pascal, turbo c, turbo assembler, and quickbasic. also, it allows the user to switch rapidly from one language to another by simply entering a new source file name! pie is an interface between the editor, command line compiler, linker, and debugger, if all of these are available an editor is supplied with the registered version of pie. it has been used successfully with turbo pascal 6.0, turbo c 2.0, turbo assembler 2.0, and quickbasic 4.5. Catalog #: SMS-164 1-Part(s) SELL MORE SOFTWARE a feature rich package which allows you to track your software customers, tech support needs, print incredible reports, mailing labels, invoices, just about anything you would want to do if you provide software or computing support services to anyone! good for vendors, consultants, authors. industrial strength and feature rich. Catalog #: SMS-163 2-Part(s) SUPER DISKCOPY for making high volume disk duplicates. this one has superb bullet proof error detection when making dupes. many customizable features make this a winner. Catalog #: SMS-162 1-Part(s) SILICON FROG UTILITIES. loads of batch file utilities for all levels of users. authors should examine clever startup routine that has user verify acceptance of licensing conditions plus highly clever internal error checking using pkzip to verify there has been no virus or tampering. dynamite batch file utilities. authors should examine for unique unpacking and verification system. Catalog #: SMS-161 2-Part(s) ASP AUTHOR APPLICATION (NEW VERSION) [new version] contains asp author application materials and an interesting file captured from compuserve as to what the asp considers trivial software. you decide what you think about this after reading the message thread. Catalog #: SMS-160 1-Part(s) PINNACLE GO shareware authors can now use a beautiful custom install program to unpack files and set up a program for the user. kind of like pinnacle help system reviewed above, but works on the installation and unpacking chores. very nice. Catalog #: SMS-159 1-Part(s) PINNACLE AREA CODE FINDER find out what area code is what region and vice versa. great when trying to figure out who you are calling or mailing disks to and where they live from their area code. Catalog #: SMS-158 1-Part(s) SURVEY IT YOURSELF learn how to survey land in this short course and tutorial system Catalog #: SMS-157 1-Part(s) DIRECTORY FREEDOM. directory freedom is the best. fast machine code. think of it as a turbocharged version of the old dr.com, co.com and rn.com but with more machine code speed: calls any text editor, unzips files, browses using list.com. this is the ultimate no nonsense lean/mean power user shell. the best there is. Catalog #: SMS-156 1-Part(s) PC-BROWSE the best hypertext search and find device ever. here's how bob wallace uses it: put all of your registered users and their registration numbers in the pc-browse database. ok. user calls on the phone and you are working away at the pc in your compiler. pop up pc-browse over your application. ask user for name or registration number. bang! it's on the screen in seconds and you can drop back to your application and carry on the conversation. Catalog #: SMS-155 2-Part(s) $10,000,000 DREAM MACHINE many short articles about being in business as an entrepreneur. tips, pitfalls, suggestions and info for the self-employed. good practical information Catalog #: SMS-154 1-Part(s) DIRECT MAIL MARKETING WORKSHOP discusses practical information on direct mail marketing. time, cost, financial, marketing strategies, historical insights, a wealth of direct mail marketing info. Catalog #: SMS-153 1-Part(s) SMS/THE FIRST EDITION want to see the first really homely edition of $hareware marketing $ystem? humble origins and great chuckles, the idea was, well, pretty good, and the first edition is kinda fun just to have on the shelf and compare to where we are headed today! Catalog #: SMS-152 1-Part(s) PC-REVIEWS vast collection of articles discuss hundreds of equipment and software products: everything from vp expert/sql to pc tools. from memory chips to fax boards. a consumer digest of computer goodies, software and sources. massive product resource. Catalog #: SMS-150 3-Part(s) BATES DIRECTORY OF NEWSPAPERS a national maling list of newspapers. many newspapers have a column or writer devoted to computer issues and frequently shareware programs are mentioned or discussed. Catalog #: SMS-149 1-Part(s) BATES DIRECTORY OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES national mailing list of libraries. why not mail shareware disks or press releases to public libraries in large cities? more libraries are starting to carry shareware. good marketing address list. Catalog #: SMS-148 2-Part(s) SEBFU BATCH FILE UTILITIES a superb collection of tiny com files and other goodies to help your batch files. sense color monitors, change screen colors, draw menus, sense key input, check drive status, keyboard presses, passwords and much more. almost a hundred little com files help you do chores which the dos batch file language left out. this one does for batch files what norton's does for general pc housekeeping! Catalog #: SMS-147 1-Part(s) EZ-WINDOW for quickbasic. allows you to design popup and variable sized windows in quickbasic plus much more. good toolkit and very professional routines. Catalog #: SMS-146 1-Part(s) FLOWCHARTER AND OSG. flowcharter documents and updates a flowchart specifically useful for software programs. osg produces updateable screen displays and prevents problems in your programs with "snow" screen flicker, and produces true "portable" screens which you can move quickly from application to application. Catalog #: SMS-145 1-Part(s) TESSERACT library of routines in .lib, .obj and .tpu which allow you to write tsr type ram resident programs. Catalog #: SMS-144 1-Part(s) BLUEBOOK ASSEMBLER ROUTINES 73 routines. Catalog #: SMS-143 1-Part(s) ASSEMBLER ROUTINES over 82 routines Catalog #: SMS-142 4-Part(s) ASSEMBLY WIZARD'S LIBRARY lots of in machine code source. huge collection. Catalog #: SMS-141 1-Part(s) ADVANCED BASIC still more for basic routines for programmers. Catalog #: SMS-140 1-Part(s) QB TOOLS 1.1 many advanced basic functions and libraries Catalog #: SMS-139 2-Part(s) QUICK BASIC ROUTINES large collection Catalog #: SMS-138 1-Part(s) SWISS ARMY KNIFE utility and programming functions for basic Catalog #: SMS-137 1-Part(s) C SOURCE. more c functions for programmers. huge collection Catalog #: SMS-136 1-Part(s) WINDOW BOSS AND DATA CLERK make popup menus, windows, status lines and more. advanced toolkit system for programmers who need more flash and sizzle in their programs. Catalog #: SMS-135 3-Part(s) C SPOT RUN huge collection of updated c and assembler routines Catalog #: SMS-134 3-Part(s) JPL C ROUTINES many c functions from the pasadena jet propulsion labs. very advanced and technical collection of unusual routines. Catalog #: SMS-133 2-Part(s) SCL1 FUNCTION LIBRARY over 100 video, mouse, keyboard and menu functions for c. Catalog #: SMS-132 1-Part(s) TESSERACT CXL ROUTINES library of over 375 multipupose functions for c language programmers Catalog #: SMS-131 2-Part(s) BOOSTER'S TUBO ROUTINES still more turbo goodies Catalog #: SMS-130 1-Part(s) TECHNOJOCK TURBO TOOLKIT still more routines and utilities for turbo Catalog #: SMS-129 2-Part(s) TURBO PASCAL TOOLS loads of utilities and routines Catalog #: SMS-128 2-Part(s) SIMPLY LABELS import and produce labels easily in a variety of formats for envelopes, packages, equipment and more. many features and great flexibility in this excellent label maker. print varying size labels, varying typfaces and more. Catalog #: SMS-127 1-Part(s) PONY EXPRESS simple concept: calculate and compare various shipping costs for those in a mail order business. ground, ups, air and more. rates can be changed. perfect for a shareware author in mail order business who wants to keep an eye on shipping costs and compare options between shippers and their costs. Catalog #: SMS-125 1-Part(s) EZ-HELP REFERENCE. create popup menu driven systems to display text files, documentation, demos and more with a smooth professional interface. why design your own menu interface for routine files and documentation display when ez-help reference can do it? nice menu you will use again and again for demos and product preparation. Catalog #: SMS-124 1-Part(s) THEDRAW a very special grpahics editor used to design, color and edit graphics screens. the main introductory screen of sms with the colored computer and flashing dollar signs is designed with thedraw. slick product. design or prototype graphics screens quickly! Catalog #: SMS-123 1-Part(s) SERIALIZER this one is clever. serializes disks so you can track where your registrations are coming from. type in a keyword into a file, usually the registration form, and let serializer find that keyword and change it to sequential serial numbers. faster, easier than norton. Catalog #: SMS-122 1-Part(s) MOM MENU mom has simplicity, machine code speed, tiny size and no ram overhead. fast moving light bar or keyword menu options which then tell any standard batch file either onboard within mom or external to mom to execute installation, browse through a catalog or other procedure which a batch file of your creation operates. configurable in many ways. ultimate minimalist power menu system Catalog #: SMS-121 1-Part(s) ZIPKEY fast postal zip code utility. type in zip code, it gives city/state. type in city/state and it gives zip. useful for the author doing bulk mailings and needing zip codes in an efficient manner. Catalog #: SMS-120 1-Part(s) GEDIT PROGRAMMERS EDITOR. maintain code, explore files, recover files, powerful industrial strength programming editor. Catalog #: SMS-119 1-Part(s) PINNACLE HELP SYSTEM. a super utility which provides a standard front end for your package: processes registration, configures system, installs it, print docs, explains registration. all the grunt work in a standard way which your end users will find simple, clean and clear. would that all shareware looked, smelled and started the same! Catalog #: SMS-118 1-Part(s) DPERFECT MERGE convert and merge dbase files (e.g., sms mailing lists or other dbase files) for use with wordperfect documents. use in place of a database manager if you would rather use wordperfect with dbase files to generate mailing labels/reports and search and select items with wordperfect! very good Catalog #: SMS-117 1-Part(s) SR-INFO DATABASE reads and writes dbf files and has more power and features than dbase! use with sms mailing list database if you need a more robust database package. extremely powerful, fast and technical. Catalog #: SMS-116 2-Part(s) POPDBF allows you to simply access main any dbf (such as sms database or other dbase file) to browse, edit, modify, print the data. no need to use a big database when this little tsr will do the job. small, quick, easy. have access to dbase files with minimum of fuss and muss! Catalog #: SMS-115 1-Part(s) FREE MAGS how to get hundreds of computer and business trade magazines. some for free! trade magazines = vertical markets. vertical markets = possible market for your shareware package. follow the drift? free trade journals are the source of many niche markets. Catalog #: SMS-114 1-Part(s) ORDER PRO MAIL ORDER BUSINESS MANAGER prepares invoices, packing slips, shipping labels, track inventory, accounts receivable, back orders, vendor and sales tracking. ideal for shareware distributors, authors or anyone in the mail order business. Catalog #: SMS-113 1-Part(s) DARWIN (USBBS) LIST/USA BBS SYSTEMS comprehensive list of major bbs systems and their phone numbers throughout america! one of the best and most frequently updated list of power users boards in the country Catalog #: SMS-112 1-Part(s) PC-FILE DATABASE a shareware database system which reads files in dbase format and contains a label generator. useful for working with any database. this program is a pc magazine edtiors choice and is a database program/filing system you can use and enjoy for a long time. a classic recommended choice and very easy for beginners. Catalog #: SMS-109 3-Part(s) BATCH FILE COMPILERS make your batch files fly up to 25 times faster! two different batch file compiling systems dress up and speed batch files to run in ram rather than from disk. use for menus, installation programs or simply to speed up and protect the source code of your batch files. Catalog #: SMS-108 3-Part(s) IRIS SYSTEM. programming system for colorful, menu driven "books." write articles, have screen sections display or flash in color, hypertext search through the text, popup menus with lightbars. something a software programmer or writer should look at when preparing a disk-based book. elegant programming system which you should study carefully. Catalog #: SMS-107 1-Part(s) DUP DISK DUPLICATOR fast, menu driven, compression, crc checks, install serial numbers on disk for tracking, multiple configurations, hot product a shareware author should use when duping disks for distribution. also has a commercial version available when even more features. Catalog #: SMS-106 1-Part(s) SHAREWARE VENDOR CATALOGS twelve, disk-based shareware catalogs from various shareware vendors. contain sample program descriptions, unique menu presentation systems which catalog designers should investigate, comprehensive program descriptions in plain text ascii, author addresses (in some cases), latest program version numbers, unusual one of a kind shareware programs. very useful research and marketing tools. Catalog #: SMS-105 12-Part(s) ZIP MAGAZINE reviews shareware and discusses new developments on the shareware scene. editors of zip magazine will review your disk if good. zip magazine circulates on bbs systems throughout the country. several issues of this interesting shareware review source. Catalog #: SMS-104 4-Part(s) ASP AUTHOR APPLICATION/GUIDE.EXE (OLD VERSION) [old version] apply to be a member of asp or at least look at the shareware marketing tips and suggestions in the file guide.exe contained on this disk. many good ideas which authors should examine. Catalog #: SMS-103 1-Part(s) ASP DISK CATALOG OF PROGRAMS AND AUTHORS. asp resource on disk contains official shareware program lists, versions, author addresses, asp disk vendor mailing list, list of discontinued programs, more. direct from the asp. research this list to find out about hot programs and authors. see if you have a competitor with a similar program. check out official asp shareware vendors. Catalog #: SMS-102 1-Part(s) CHRISTIAN COMPUTER SURVIAL KIT. contains mailing addresses and marketing suggestions for shareware targeted at religious audiences. mailing list, references, names and addresses for shareware programmers targeting a product at the religious sector. Catalog #: SMS-101 1-Part(s) --------------------------------------------------------- Have a program I should add to the list above? Please submit for evaluation! It should be useful to shareware authors or shareware disk vendors. Be sure to mention that you want it evaluated for the SMS file GOODIES.TXT. ********** O R D E R F O R M ************ MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: SSP POB 1506, Dept SMSCAT MERCER ISLAND, WA 98040 (206) 236-0470 NAME_________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________ CITY___________________________STATE_________ZIP______________ PHONE____(________)______________________ REMEMBER SOME PROGRAMS HAVE SEVERAL PARTS OR ITEMS. EACH PART COSTS $1.99 PER ITEM ON 5-1/4 SIZE DISKS. 3-1/2 SIZE DISKS ARE $2.99 PER ITEM. ADD 29 CENTS PER ITEM SHIPPING. WITHIN YOUR FINAL SHIPMENT, SOME DISKS MAY CONTAIN SEVERAL ITEMS. Disk number Program Name Qty Item cost ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... NEED MORE SPACE? OK TO USE A BLANK SHEET OF PAPER! DID YOU REMEMBER? 1.99 5-1/4 SIZE 2.99 3-1/2 SIZE? SUB TOTAL OF ORDER ........ ADD 29 CENTS PER ITEM FOR SHIPPING IN U.S./CANADA ....... ADD 55 CENTS PER ITEM FOR SHIPPING IF FOREIGN ADDRESS ....... WASHINGTON RESIDENTS ADD 8.2% TAX ....... GRAND TOTAL ....... MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: SSP POB 1506, Dept SMSCAT MERCER ISLAND, WA 98040 (206) 236-0470